Game devops and other things

Moving in

Have decided to try this blog thing again. I've been on several blogging platforms before, but never lasted because the more seriously I took it, the more frustrated I got with the lack of control and ability to customize. This time I've decided to flip the problem on its head and start with a lean, custom approach. Which of course means, I rolled my own blogging engine, which I can code on instead of writing blog posts.

These were my criteria

  • Posts must be written in markdown, the only format I have the patience for.
  • Posts will likely be short and choppy, and will likely be updated. This non-linear style will hopefully suit my disjointed, non-linear way of thinking. Plus I like the brevity of microblogging, though I feel there needs to be something more verbose than Twitter.
  • It needs to be self-hosted so I own the posts entirely - no more Blogspot,, etc.
  • No databases please, I'm burned out on the idea that every web app needs an SQL databases behind it. Flat files are easier to work with when you're on a one-man project. That's one less major system to maintain and upgrade.

I ended up implementing this in the tools I know best (NodeJs +, and it was inspired by a talk by Phil Hawksworth I saw at Coldfront '14.